The Journey Begins

Thanks for joining me! Here at Loft & Grace, our goal is to help you design your dream home. We do this by giving you tools to help you find different websites and designs that give you ideas for your home. This is our way of helping guide you through you journey. I have loved watching HGTV for years now. This is actually what gave me the idea to do this website on. I strive to have a cute little apartment based on my décor throughout the rooms. There are easy and cheap ways to design you home. Here are some tips from a college student.

  • Buy clearance! Clearance is usually décor items that may be damaged slightly or just out of season. Even if you’re buying Christmas/holiday décor in the winter, you will still have new décor that you paid way less for.
  • Coupons should be used for everything, not just home décor. For example, JCPenneys has $10 off of $25 all of the time or even a 25% off whenever the other coupon isn’t going on.
  • Second hand items are the easiest ways to save on home décor items. People get sick of their current home decorations and want to revamp their homes often. Their loss is your gain! I know I can’t pay $75 for a nice piece of wall art but if you take a look on Facebook you can find one for close to $15.

Thank you again for taking the time to take a look at my website and my blogs!

Quality Isn’t Always Expensive

When you here that someone has just redone their home, you think they must have spent an arm and leg, well that’s not exactly the case. Like I had said in my previous blog, there are ways to revamp your home without withering away your savings. Just because something is expensive doesn’t mean it is always better. I have splurged many times on fancy lamps, rugs, and wall décor. When someone asks me how much I had paid for the piece I feel foolish for wasting my money on something so small. I shortly after started buying stuff from Walmart. Things like throw pillows and curtains that no one even really notices but they give the room so much extra character. Some things I believe you do need to spend more on like your mattress, which I had mentioned in another blog, and dishes. Depending on the occasion and how often you actually use the object gives you a feel as to how much you should have to spend on it. If it’s something you use often then I would suggest splurging more on it than I would if it was something you use once in a blue moon. There is no need to feel guilty for spending money on something you like and enjoy but you also shouldn’t spend more than you can afford to. Credit cards can trick a lot of people into thinking they can afford more than they actually can just because of not having to pay upfront. So quality is key but it doesn’t always have to break the bank.

Get Your Sleep

On average, humans spend a total of 227,468 hours, or 26 years, of their lives sleeping. According to the National Center on Sleep Disorders Research, this amount translates into one-third, or 33 percent, of a person’s total lifetime spent sleeping.

Crazy right? So why not get a mattress and bed that suit your needs? I have been suffering with chronic back pain since middle school from playing various sports and yet I never assumed my bed could be contributing to the problem. A few months ago, I decided to give in and pick out a nice mattress and bed set. The mattress I chose was the Serta Perfect Sleeper and I spent about $700 on the mattress itself. I also bought an adjustable bed which I am not sure of the brand, but I knew it would help me find the perfect angle to sleep for my back. Here we are a few months later and I am still in love with this purchase. This was my saving grace for my back pain, and I can’t be happier with my choice to splurge on something that I use every night. The adjustable bedframe is modern looking with a nice, cushioned, fabric base and thick wooden legs. My bed is the centerpiece of my room and ties everything together. The point of this blog today was to tell you not to skimp out on something you use so often and that its okay to splurge on those things because you’ll be happy with whatever you got in the long run. Beds can be part of your home décor just as much as that picture hanging on the wall.

Adore Your Inner World

“There are two things that make a room timeless: a sense of history and a piece of the future.” – Charlotte Moss

See the source image

Here at Loft & Grace we pride our self in helping people create a living space that is just as unique as they are. With tons of resources from our website, our goal is to help you design your home easily and at a great price. We know how stressful it can be to try and revamp your home on a budget and that is why we give you the best websites to shop from for each category. Feel free to email or call us for any feedback or help that you may need on your designing journey.